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333 Dental Care Blog

5 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

October 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 5:30 pm
A woman looking in the mirror at the dentist's office.

Sometimes myths can be fun. Hey, maybe cats really do have nine lives! But in other instances, they may seem true, but they can be dangerously or erroneously misleading. Such is the case with these five myths about cosmetic dentistry. If you’ve heard this misinformation before, here’s the truth, and why you shouldn’t let rumors stop you from getting your best smile ever!


What to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 12:03 pm
A man and woman grocery shopping.

The recovery period following your dental implant surgery is a critical time for ensuring your implants heal successfully. To do this, you should follow your aftercare instructions diligently. These tried and tested guidelines come from years of research from real patients and were designed to give you the best possible surgical outcome and fastest recovery time.

One major area you should be focusing on following your procedure is what to eat. Believe it or not, your diet following surgery plays a major role in your healing process. Here is a list of foods you should (and should not) eat in the following days and weeks after getting dental implants.


Why Do Dental Implants Have Such a High Success Rate?

August 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 5:15 pm
Digital illustration of a dental implant

Missing just one tooth can make daily tasks, like chewing, speaking, and smiling, much more difficult. Fortunately, dental implants are available to help you achieve a complete smile again! Dentists and patients agree that they are the best tooth replacement option out there. With a success rate of over 95%, patients can enjoy them for many decades, but what makes their success rate so high? Continue reading to learn more.


4 Reasons to Keep Your Natural Teeth Rather Than Replace Them with Dental Implants

July 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 3:09 pm
patient having a consultation with the dentist

Vulnerable to decay, damage, and discoloration, natural teeth can seem to come with a host of annoying issues. After a lifetime of dealing with maintaining your real teeth, the appeal of prosthetic teeth can become tempting. In particular, dental implants, the gold standard of tooth replacement, can reverse many of the downfalls of tooth loss and restore a healthy, happy smile to those who with missing teeth.

With all the amazing benefits dental implants offer, you may be wondering if it would be better to take all your natural teeth out and replace them, even if they are still healthy, with cutting-edge dental implants. But this would be a mistake! Here are multiple reasons your real teeth are worth preserving as much as possible.


When Can I Expect My New Dentures?

June 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 8:42 pm
An older man looking at a calendar

There’s something about having plans that just makes life a little more exciting. Whether you’re expecting a package, you have an upcoming date night on the calendar, or you’re eagerly awaiting a new pair of dentures, anticipating something good can do wonders for your mood.

If you’re expecting a new pair of dentures soon, you may be wondering how long you’ll have to wait before they’re ready to wear. Here’s a general timeline for when you can expect them to arrive.


A Better Bite? How Dentures Affect the Quality of your Diet

May 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 8:25 pm
Man eating an apple

When you are missing teeth, it can significantly impair their capacity to eat the things that you love. There are far fewer foods you’ll be able to eat without the full use of your teeth, which can have an impact not only on your nutrition, but on how much you can enjoy your meals.

That’s why, when patients get dentures, they’re often excited by the prospect of being able to eat more foods than they could before. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know about how dentures may affect your nutrition.


How to Care for Your Dentures

May 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 5:01 pm
person caring for dentures

If you’re missing multiple teeth or even an entire set, dentures could be the solution for you. They’re a popular choice for replacing missing teeth and can typically last between five to ten years. However, to ensure they stay in good shape for as long as possible, proper care is essential. Here are four simple tips for cleaning and maintaining your dentures.


Aesthetic Upgrades: 3 Cosmetic Procedures to Perfect Your Grin

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 1:53 pm
Woman with brown hair pointing to her smile with two fingers

When you’re anxious about how others will perceive you, it’s hard to feel good about yourself. Having flaws in your teeth can leave you feeling so self-conscious that you try to remain tight-lipped or avoid interacting with others. Fortunately, your dentist can address aesthetic imperfections with cosmetic dentistry to boost your confidence. Before you can move forward, though, it’s important to establish what you’d like to improve so you can pick the right treatment. If you’re not sure where to start, keep reading to learn about 3 popular procedures that can upgrade your grin!


Invisalign and Teeth Grinding: Can They Mix?

February 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 3:35 am
Someone holding their Invisalign aligner

In recent years, Invisalign aligners have advanced considerably. These clear aligners have always been sleek and subtle, but for a long time they fell short of traditional braces in dealing with many common conditions. Bite problems, for example, could once only be solved by traditional braces; now, Invisalign aligners are capable of handling them with the help of specialized attachments.

However, many people who have bite issues also tend to grind their teeth at night, which leads them to be concerned about whether this could interfere with their Invisalign treatment. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know about that prospect.


Retainer Regimen: Your Guide to Post-Invisalign Retainer Wear

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — 333dentalcare @ 6:29 pm
A man with his Invisalign

Completing your Invisalign treatment marks an exciting milestone in your quest for a straighter smile. However, the journey doesn’t end there. You need a way to maintain your newly aligned teeth and prevent them from shifting back into their original positions. This is where wearing a retainer comes in.

If you’d like to know more about retainers and how they fit into your Invisalign treatment, continue reading.

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